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Simple Trick Revealed- How to Post Videos of longer Duration on Instagram?

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Once you start using Instagram, you get hooked to it. There is a bit of flair with this app, which lets you share and upload photos and videos. In fact, most of the users are ditching their Facebook account for Instagram. As a matter of fact, it appears almost everyone is on Instagram these days.

However, there is a limit set on how much you can upload, as far as videos are concerned. In fact, most of the time, uploading videos of longer duration do not seem possible either. Is there any way through which you can bypass this protocol?

For obvious reasons without knowing the basic rules, you will never know how to upload videos to Instagram story? Perhaps, this is where you must look at all the possible factors.

Instagram and the limit on video length

As far as Instagram is concerned, you are only allowed to upload or record videos of three to sixty seconds in length. When it comes to uploading videos on Instagram stories, the duration is even less. More or less, you get to share videos that do not exceed more than 15 seconds.

But you are looking to upload videos that are slightly on the longer side. How do you do that? There are few tricks involved, which can be of some assistance.

  • Consider Using Third-Party Apps: For a change, there are plenty of third-party apps, which are designed to help you post longer videos on Instagram. However, these apps don’t usually come for free and can be bought a price.

  • Live Video Seems to be a Nice Option: Perhaps, the best option would be to share a live video. Since recorded videos have specific time limits, it is not the same for videos that are streaming live. Besides, Instagram offers replays for your followers for a period of 24 hours, after you had finished the recording. In short, it almost plays like an Instagram story.

  • Upload Multiple Video Clips: You can also try uploading multiple clips. If you are using an iOS-based device, you are offered the flexibility to upload multiple video clips at the same time.

In a way, if you know the way around, everything is possible. What really matters is your ability to implement the tricks, so that you can upload long videos, with remarkable ease. But, if things are not working out, the ideal option then would be to contact the Instagram chat support team.